FAQ Category: Charitable Incorporated Organization Uganda

What makes Charitable Incorporated Community Organization Uganda sited among other child development and/or sponsorship organizations?

Compassion is distinct from other organizations because we are: Child-Focused. Our ministry directly engages each child as a complete person. Christ-Centered. Without coercion, we teach the life-changing gospel to every child in a culturally relevant…

What is Charitable Incorporated Community Organization?

Charitable Incorporated Community Organization Uganda is a Christian child and Youth development organization dedicated to alleviate children and youth from poverty. Our ministry to children is thriving: We work through local communities to provide child…

What is the Mission of Charitable Incorporated Organization Uganda?

Together we aim to ensure sustainability access to safe living conditions to the most vulnerable communities through innovation, partnering and creativity at the power of art.

Is Charitable Incorporated Community Organization Uganda a nonprofit organization?

Yes. Charitable Incorporated Community Organization Uganda is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Is Charitable Incorporated Community Organization Uganda a good organization?

As Christians, CICO - Uganda is called to be good stewards of the resources God has given us, and we are very passionate about ensuring we are. Internal and independent audits are regularly conducted for…

How does Charitable Incorporated Community Organization Uganda work?

Charitable Incorporated Community Uganda's work is one-to-one child sponsorship. A sponsor is someone who has made the decision to personally invest in the life of a child in need. Through sponsorship, children are able to…

How many countries does Charitable Incorporated Community Organization Uganda work in?

CICO-Uganda works in Uganda specifically on local communities in Bukedea district, Eastern region of Uganda where poverty is at the highest pick.